About Vindazo

About Vindazo

Vindazo is the ultimate search engine for job offers and vacancies. Job seekers can find their new job quickly and easily thanks to the extensive information in our database. Vindazo also offers a premium feature, which enables employers to highlight their vacancies on our platform.

Vindazo for jobseekers (free)

Vindazo simplifies the application process, making it faster and easier. Job seekers can efficiently search for all types of vacancies on our platform, and apply directly through Vindazo. Users can upload their resume, collect their favorite job offers and follow up on their applications. In addition, we send candidates relevant vacancies through e-mail and enable them to share their favorite job offers on social media or via e-mail.

Click here for more info.

Vindazo employers

Companies of all types and sizes can work with Vindazo. Thanks to our user-friendly interface, employers only have to place their vacancy on the website of one of our partners. After this, the job offer is automatically published on our platform. Thanks to our premium function, we can also guarantee up to ten times more applicants per vacancy. This feature enables you to place your job offer at the top of our search results.

Click here for more info.